In this blog series we look at the indigenous trees of the Peel/Bindjareb region. This month we profile the Swamp Paperbark, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla.
This tree grows up to 10m high and is associated with swamps, salt marshes, lakes and watercourses. It can often be seen completely covered in fluffy white bottle-brush type flowers through summer and autumn. The species name is derived from Ancient Greek words rhaphís meaning “a needle” and phyllon meaning "a leaf", referring to the needle like foliage.
The Noongar name for the Swamp Paperbark is Yowarl. Long strips of bark were used for the mia mia roof, and bark was also used to wrap food, prior to cooking in an earth oven or on hot coals
The saltwater paperbark and stout paperbark are also common to the area. Part of the myrtle family, each has subtle differences in form, leaves and flowers. All prefer to have ‘wet feet’ and are an important understorey and habitat tree.
Branching Out Tree Care, professional tree loppers Mandurah.